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Improve alignment across your entire team with Hotjar

Communicate and collaborate with your team directly in Hotjar, and make quick decisions on what user-led product updates to prioritize next.

Last updated

30 Jun 2023

Reading time

3 min


Any Hotjar user knows: between heatmaps, session recordings, and feedback, valuable user insights are coming from many directions. And depending on your role—product manager, designer, researcher, developer, or marketer—information can be interpreted in hundreds of different ways.

Invite your team to Hotjar!

Gone are the days of siloed scrolling through an endless list of recordings and heatmaps. With Hotjar’s team-focused features, you can effortlessly share insights, get a second (or third) set of eyes on interesting behaviors, and make every discovery a meaningful one. Inviting more users to collaborate with you in Hotjar empowers you to: 

  • Improve alignment across the entire team

  • Deliver user-led improvements that really move the needle 

  • Make the right decisions on what to do next

  • Prioritize your backlog brilliantly (and move faster than ever)

  • Have total confidence that you’re meeting your customers’ needs

Hotjar is built for teams

We know two heads are better than one: the more perspectives you have on a specific user behavior, the more comprehensive your analysis will be. But how can you get all the right people to see what you’re seeing? 

We’re building Hotjar to be the ultimate tool for teams!

That’s why a single Hotjar account has no user limit. We’ve also introduced a range of collaborative features to make looping in teammates and categorizing insights effortless—no matter how many people you want to share them with.

Grow your Hotjar household 🏡

Insights can be a lonely place without people to share your fascinating findings with! Invite teammates to see what you see and find creative new ways to put your customers first.

Why share your insights

From product managers to marketers, different people on your team have different areas of focus and expertise. But if there’s one common goal that connects every person in your business, regardless of industry, it’s putting customers first. 

That’s why seeing user behavior first-hand is valuable for everyone. With product experience insights being analyzed across teams, instant alignment and a shared set of next steps can be achieved in record time. 

Who to share your insights with

Want to share insights with people across your business, but you’re not sure who to get on board? Everyone on your team will gain a lot from reviewing user behavior—and all these people can collaborate with one another directly in Hotjar!

Hotjar Heatmaps, Recordings, Surveys, and Feedback bring a wealth of information individually. Together, they reveal precisely what your customers are thinking and doing. Having a broad range of experts analyze user behavior ensures all voices are heard and all options considered. 

Where to share your insights 

No need to haul out a spreadsheet or type an essay in Slack—did you know you can share insights directly in Hotjar by tagging teammates? What’s more, our Highlights feature enables you to save the most insightful parts of a heatmap or recording and add them to a special collection to share with your colleagues.

Or how about integrating Hotjar with Slack to get insights automatically sent to a dedicated channel? And while you’re all hanging out in Hotjar, don’t forget to keep an eye on your Dashboard for additional quantitative data without even leaving the platform!

Make Hotjar a group activity

Every insight won’t be relevant to one person—but almost all of them will mean something to someone. That’s why product experience insights should be accessible to everyone in your business. And with Hotjar, they are! 

With team-friendly features and multiple ways to alert collaborators to new information on all our plans, Hotjar will help your entire team align on the most important matters.

Consider the platform a communal space to gather with teammates and check the pulse of your customers, together. Get the whole gang on the same page, and inspire one another with countless new ideas to improve your product and grow your business. It all starts in Hotjar. 

Start tagging your teammates

Hotjar’s insights are even more valuable when you have someone to share them with. Get the whole gang on board and start bouncing new ideas off your team right now!