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Net Promoter Score® (NPS®) survey

Measure long-term loyalty and happiness the tried-and-tested way

Customer satisfaction & NPS®Product researchProduct feedback

Last updated

20 Jul 2023

Reading time

3 min


#Use Hotjar NPS Surveys to get more elaboration on your NPS score
Source: Hotjar

Get started with this template today.

Ideally, your customers and users aren’t just happy with you—they’re ecstatic. However, you’ll never know if you don’t ask, which is where a Net Promoter Score® (NPS) survey comes into play. 

An NPS survey is different from a customer satisfaction survey. It measures how likely someone is to recommend you to a friend or colleague on a scale of 1–10. A customer satisfaction (CSAT) survey, on the other hand, helps you determine short-term satisfaction levels at key moments in the customer journey.

These quantitative insights let you find your raving fans, strongest critics, and everyone in between. 

What should you use a Net Promoter Score® (NPS) survey for?

In addition to an NPS survey being a valuable baseline of customer perception and satisfaction, there are multiple use cases for Net Promoter Scores®. Use this template if you want to:

  • Understand customer sentiment across segments

  • Determine how likely customers are to stay loyal to you

  • Gauge customer satisfaction over time

  • Learn what affects customer perception

  • Create a happier customer base that sings your praises

  • Find customers to feature in case studies

What’s in the NPS survey template

A short, two-question survey quantifies how likely someone is to recommend your company and lets them elaborate on the reason for the score. 

The first question asks users to select a number on a scale, and the follow-up question brings qualitative insight to their customer feedback. This second, open-ended question helps you gather practical suggestions to improve your product or service.

How to use your NPS survey results

Collecting your NPS is just part of the puzzle; you’ll need a bit of context to analyze your score. For starters, it helps to track NPS over time to look for trends, and benchmark your score against both past performance and industry averages. How you use the results from each participant also depends on their score. 

NPS surveys allow you to split respondents into three categories based on their answer to the rating question:

NPS scores have three categories:

Detractors (score of 0-6)

Detractors are unhappy customers or users with a negative perception of your company and likely need follow-up. Apple retail stores boosted their revenue by $25 million in one year by reaching out to detractors

Passives (score of 7-8)

Passive customers feel neutral about your company and could hopefully be swayed to feel more positively. If you have lots of passives, try to create more customer delight

Promoters (score of 9-10) 

Your promoters are the most enthusiastic segment of your audience. Reach out to them for case studies and testimonials, and study why they have such a positive experience with your brand, then use these learnings to help you turn more of your customers into advocates.

Set up an NPS survey in minutes

Getting started with an NPS survey template is fast and easy. Start by clicking the ‘Get started with this template’ link at the top of the page. 

Next, you’ll be asked to create an account and verify your email. 

After you’re verified, the survey template will be ready for you to send to customers to start collecting insights. 

However, you’ll also have the option to install the Hotjar tracking code on your site. This tracking code allows you to host the survey live on your site rather than via an external URL, which means you can place it on a particular page. The tracking code also gives you access to Hotjar’s features.

Don’t worry; installing the tracking code won’t slow your website down. And it doesn’t cost you anything (our free plans are free forever). So, to set up your full Hotjar account and install the tracking code, follow these steps.

Pro tip: set up Hotjar’s Slack integration to know in real time when a user has answered your NPS survey.


Get started with this template today.