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250+ Hotjarians across the globe, with one goal: to give your team the insights you need to create experiences your users love.

Blog Articles

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8 ways to improve UX design with AI (and which tools to use)

Incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into your UX design helps you optimize your workflows and enhance your understanding of user needs, leading to better products, streamlined websites, and happier customers.

But as the use of AI increases, teams are faced with a complex challenge: how do you balance the precision and depth of AI insights without losing the personalized, human touch that defines exceptional UX design?

Hotjar team

Behind the scenes

The ultimate HOTSAUCE roundup

Leading minds in product, marketing, ecommerce, and UX came together over two days to shape the future of digital experiences at HOTSAUCE—Hotjar's inaugural in-person conference. Couldn’t make or want to relive the magic one more time? Take a trip through the event from the lens of the people there—Hotjar’s core planning team, speakers, and attendees—and read about their favorite moments, top learnings, and what they’re looking forward to at HOTSAUCE 2024.

Hotjar team


Unlocking consumers’ industry-specific design expectations

Hotjar’s Coming in Hot Report revealed consumers have different needs, challenges, and expectations for website design based on a brand’s specific industry. Let’s dig into how their preferences vary between ecommerce, healthcare, and financial sites to reveal how these brands can improve their online presence.

Hotjar team

User research

Data-driven vs. data-informed decision-making: which should your product team use?

Data is a crucial part of building a product your customers love. But just how much should you rely on data, and how do you ensure it works in the best interests of your team—and end-users?

Hotjar team

UX design and analysis

The anatomy of a stellar website: the dos and don’ts of design

Over the past five years, buyers have largely shifted their shopping habits to be primarily online. For brands wishing to remain competitive in the digital marketplace, this means an accessible and attention-grabbing website has become more important than ever before. 

Consumers agree: respondents to Hotjar’s Coming in Hot report told us that they have higher expectations for brands’ websites than they did five years ago.

Hotjar team

UX design and analysis

Coming in hot: the power of first impressions

Consumers have more than their fair share of vendors to choose from when shopping online. When attention is split between different brands and devices, ensuring your online presence stands out from the crowd hinges on first impressions. 

But catering to the ever-changing habits and preferences of digital buyers is no small feat. That’s why Hotjar surveyed hundreds of US-based consumers—to reveal the insights you need to guarantee your website exceeds user expectations.

Hotjar team

Hotjar product updates

A year in review: how Hotjar revolutionized its suite for users in 2023

Hotjar team

Hotjar product updates

🔥 Read it while it’s hot: November 2023 updates in the Hotjar world

It's November, and we've got exciting updates to share, from what happened last month to what’s coming soon. Sentiment analysis, improved research hub, popover surveys 2.0, and enhanced team collaboration... Take a look. 👇

Hotjar team

Hotjar product updates

🔥 Read it while it’s hot: October 2023 updates in the Hotjar world

It's October and we've got exciting updates to share, from what happened last month to what’s coming soon. New ways to surface insights, improved collaboration, and an event not to be missed. Take a look. 👇

Hotjar team

Trending topics

Embracing AI in the workplace: 5 ways to overcome resistance and maximize opportunities

Forget the science-fiction scenario where machines rule the world. In reality, we've got generative AI stepping in for something a little less ‘Black Mirror’ and a little more ‘The Office’: taking care of those mundane yet time-consuming tasks in the workplace. 

So, instead of relying on sci-fi for answers, let's dive into some down-to-earth, real-world examples.

Hotjar team

Trending topics

7 ways to use AI to improve user interviews in 2023

Balancing artificial intelligence (AI) technology with the human touch during user interviews is more than just a best practice; it's essential for capturing qualitative and quantitative insights that help you develop successful products and continuously delight users. 

In an era increasingly shaped by data automation and machine learning, however, product teams face a complex challenge: how do you maintain the integrity of the interview experience, while also harnessing the depth and efficiency of AI?

Hotjar team


How to improve your online reputation to acquire more users and customers

A good online reputation inspires your users to share positive reviews that make your business more trustworthy in the eyes of potential customers, and, in turn, increases sales. 

But it takes more than a good product to build and maintain an effective online presence. You have to actively listen to customers to understand how they feel and make changes to improve the user experience (UX).

Hotjar team


SEO writing: how to create content for Google (and delight your users)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a popular inbound marketing strategy for good reason. Done well, it works wonders—magnetically drawing users from Google to your website. 

But writing for SEO is challenging. Search engines use complex algorithms to sift through billions of pieces of content, selecting a treasured top ten for each query. You have to use a seemingly magic combination of ingredients on your web page for a chance at a high-ranking spot on the list.

Hotjar team


6 traits of top marketing leaders (and how to cultivate them in yourself)

Stepping into a marketing leadership role can stir up a mix of emotions: excitement, optimism, and, often, a gnawing doubt. "Do I have the right skills to truly lead and inspire?" If you've ever wrestled with these uncertainties, you're not alone.

Hotjar team

Solving common problems

How to evaluate the impact and reach of website bugs

Those pesky bugs. Even with the most meticulous checks possible, one or two usually make it through to production.

It’s vital to evaluate website bugs as they come up, so you know how urgently you need to fix them. Without taking a moment to assess impact, you’ll be shooting in the dark.

You might invest your precious resources in unnecessary work, or worse—underestimate the problem and cause frustrated users to take their business elsewhere. 

Hotjar team

How to improve customer experience

How to build (and increase) customer loyalty to drive growth

You never miss seeing your favorite band—even if it means buying overpriced tickets and driving seven hours to see a sold-out stadium show in the pouring rain. And for days after the concert, you tell everyone you can’t wait to do it again.  

That’s the kind of customer loyalty you dream about, whether you’re a product manager (PM) at a software-as-a-service (SaaS) company or a digital marketer for an ecommerce store. You want to build or increase your customer loyalty so people can’t stop talking about—or purchasing from—your company.

Hotjar team


How to use customer segmentation to improve CX and create delight

The first step to creating an easy and enjoyable experience for your customers is understanding their profiles, preferences, and pain points. But at scale, getting to know who your customers are and what makes them tick is easier said than done. 

By dividing your customers into groups with similar attributes—from household income to an interest in rock climbing—you find ways to address each segment’s needs and ensure they feel understood. Segmentation improves the customer experience (CX), creating happy customers that stick around.

Hotjar team

UX design and analysis

Driving empathy in design with user feedback

Here's a hard truth: some customers lose their initial excitement toward your company's products or services as time passes; others choose your competitors' offerings from the get-go. More often than not, this failure to resonate with target customers reveals an “It's not you, it's us” situation: it shows you've neglected to understand what users truly want and need.

You're here because you know better than to let this happen. As a designer, you want to polish your approach and pick up on the finer details of the user experience (UX). And if you’re hoping to win people’s business and loyalty, you're right to shift your focus to empathy-driven design.

Hotjar team

Solving common problems

10 ways Hotjar helps you understand your users better

Your sales are down; the well's running dry. What do you do to encourage people to buy from you: add a new product or service or multiply an existing product's features? 

Increasing choices and features may be a business's automatic response to boost interest and, later on, conversion and sales. But more is needed to justify using company resources to create a solution that may or may not resonate with customers.

To achieve real, needle-moving change, you need to dig deeper and understand users better—what motivates or frustrates them and what hinders or helps them satisfy their 'jobs to be done'.

Hotjar team

Solving common problems

10 ways Hotjar helps you optimize your website UX

To build a great website, you need to help users complete their goals effortlessly at each step of their journey. But how do you determine what users really want, and need, from the pages you’re working on?

Hotjar team

Hotjar product updates

🔥 Read it while it’s hot: August 2023 updates in the Hotjar world

It's August and we've got heaps of spicy updates to share, from what happened last month to what’s coming soon. 

A flaming hot conference, a platform now available in (even) more languages, sizzling Surveys updates, and more! 

Hotjar team

Behavior analytics

7 best Mixpanel alternatives to understand your users

Mixpanel is an analytics platform that excels in collecting quantitative user data. But sometimes, product managers, marketers, and website owners need more—the 'why' behind the 'what’. The good news is there are plenty of Mixpanel alternatives that combine quantitative analytics with powerful qualitative insights.

Hotjar team

Trending topics

5 customer-centric strategies to increase traffic to your website

More website visitors means more engagement and more sales, right? That equation is nearly perfect, except it’s missing a critical piece—user understanding. 

Instead of focusing on how to increase website traffic at any cost, aim for qualified traffic. That is, attracting visitors who fit your target audience.

Hotjar team


7 steps to strategically prepare for a sales call

Whether you’re a seasoned sales representative or a marketing newcomer, each conversation with a potential customer is an opportunity to nurture a lasting relationship and drive business goals forward. 

But without a clear strategy and solid call preparation, you may leave customers unengaged or unconvinced, leading to lost sales and revenue.

So how do you ensure you’re fully equipped to meet—and exceed—a prospect’s needs and expectations before you’re on the call?

Hotjar team

Hotjar product updates

Introducing new features and UX improvements to Hotjar Funnels

We launched it, you tried it, and we’ve been improving it based on your feedback.

Hotjar team

Trending topics

8 ways to spot market gaps in 2023

Market gaps are customer needs that are currently unfulfilled or underserved by existing services or products. Pinpointing these untapped opportunities offers businesses a wealth of advantages: from boosting revenue and expanding their customer base, to enhancing user satisfaction and standing out from the competition.

But how do you identify—and evaluate—these market gaps, while still balancing business goals and customer needs?

Hotjar team

User research

5 steps to defining your company’s ideal customer profile

You can only choose a wonderful present if you really know the person you’re buying it for. By the same token, you can only create an outstanding product or service when you really know the person you’re building it for. 

That’s the theory behind the ideal customer profile (ICP) framework. 

Hotjar team


How to use rage click maps to reduce friction and increase conversions

Users don’t always tell you when they experience frustration on your website or product, but they often show you. With repeated mouse clicks, they signal that they’re trying (unsuccessfully) to take action. 

Rage click maps let you visualize problem spots that irritate your visitors, helping you find simple solutions to improve your user experience (UX) and conversion rates.

Hotjar team


The 7 best BI tools for marketers in 2023 (and how to use them)

Whether you're sifting through campaign attribution data or reviewing performance reports from different sources, extracting meaningful business insights from vast amounts of data is an often daunting—yet critical—task many marketers face. So how do you efficiently evaluate your results and communicate key learnings? 

This is where business intelligence (BI) tools come in, transforming raw data into actionable insights that drive informed, customer-centric decisions. 

Hotjar team

Behind the scenes

Celebrating Pride Month in 2023: the Hotjar Pride Panel

Here at Hotjar, we stand for an inclusive culture where our team members experience the psychological safety necessary to express themselves fully at work.

Guided by this principle, we have a long-standing tradition of celebrating Pride Month with initiatives proposed and curated by our internal LGBTQIA+ group.

Hotjar team

User research

How to collect high-quality customer feedback and turn it into actionable insights

Feedback is a powerful way to connect with your customers, get objective opinions, and make optimizations that have a real impact. 

But proactively requesting user insights can be challenging, and responses are often vague or irrelevant. Navigating these pain points is crucial for making the most of your customers’ feedback.

Hotjar team

Hotjar product updates

Introducing Hotjar AI

The AI-powered research assistant that helps you find the insights you need.

Hotjar team

Trending topics

9 ways to make money online in 2023 (and tips to get started)

Whether you're looking for a casual side hustle or a full-time career, monetizing your skills to make money online leads to new business opportunities, a sustainable income stream, and personal fulfillment—all from the comfort of your home.

With so many different opportunities available, however, it can feel overwhelming to know how and where to start.

Hotjar team

Solving common problems

4 ways to collect real-time feedback from your customers

Collecting real-time customer feedback is a quick and affordable way to understand what customers love (and hate) in the moment, enabling you to identify and fix issues before they escalate and double down on what’s working well.

Hotjar team

Learn how to use move maps to track mouse movement on your website so you can spot UX improvements, make optimizations, and increase conversions.

User research

How to use mouse tracking move maps to improve UX and conversions

Tracking where users move and rest their mouse cursors helps you build an image of what attracts attention (or doesn’t) on any website page or product interface. At Hotjar, we call this visualization a move map.

Hotjar team

User research

How to use email surveys to create products users love (with examples and best practices)

Do you want to stop guessing and start creating products your customers will love and use repeatedly while referring others to your brand? 

Email surveys are a convenient, cost-effective way to collect feedback and understand how your users feel about your website, product, or service, so you can identify what delights or frustrates them and improve their experience and your metrics.

Hotjar team

Solving common problems

How to solve a sudden drop in website conversions

Work on your site’s going well—ideas are flowing, metrics are improving, and business is booming. Or that’s what you think, when—BAM—you notice a sudden drop in your website conversions and try not to panic.

Anything could be causing low conversion rates—from broken elements to slow-loading pages or complicated user flows. You need to quickly identify and fix the problem before it negatively affects your customer experience and bottom line, but how?

Hotjar team

Solving common problems

How do you know if your marketing campaigns are successful?

Marketing campaigns play a vital role in businesses acquiring new customers, boosting sales, and increasing revenue. But measuring and evaluating campaign performance can often feel overwhelming, as success looks different for each campaign’s scope and goals.

So how can you determine whether or not your marketing campaign is successful—and optimize accordingly?

Hotjar team

Solving common problems

Why are users dropping off your website? 7 powerful techniques to uncover the problem

It’s frustrating when people lose interest and drop off your site, whether they’re loyal, long-term customers or first-time visitors. 

High drop-off rates can make you feel like a substitute teacher: doing your best to hold your students’ attention, but quite aware they’re restless, waiting for lunch, and could be pulled away by a smartphone notification any second. 

While some level of website user drop-off is inevitable, you need to investigate why and when users disengage with your fantastic offer—so you can win back their attention and, ultimately, increase conversion rates. 

Hotjar team


How to optimize your pricing page to drive more conversions

Your pricing page is one of the most important touchpoints on your website. It's the final stop for potential customers before they subscribe to your service and a crucial element that shapes their opinion of your product's value. 

But a lackluster and poorly structured pricing page can result in missed market opportunities and confused customers, leading to decreased conversions and revenue.

So how does pricing page optimization work and what are some practical ways to get started?

Hotjar team

UX design and analysis

7 top UX analytics tools to enhance the user experience

Success in a crowded digital landscape lies in one key element: which companies provide the most outstanding user experience (UX)? As more businesses tap into user insights, those with an advanced UX analytics approach set themselves up to win. How do the best in the game do it? With the right tools for creating a website or product that truly resonates with users.

Hotjar team

PX insights

7 product analytics tools every product team should know about (and why)

If you want to create a product that gives customers exactly what they need, relying on gut feel and guesswork isn’t enough. Successful product teams need to understand their users, empathize with them, and use data-driven insights to build—and optimize—their products.

Hotjar team


9 Optimizely integrations for digital businesses, marketers, and entrepreneurs

Optimizely is an analyst-recognized, market-leading testing solution: it runs experiments and analyzes the results so you can tweak your website and pick the best version for your users. 

But Optimizely alone isn’t enough to create an optimization strategy; you need tools that show you why your experiments perform the way they do, so you can understand what users think and how they react to the changes you make.

This is where Optimizely integrations come in: they give you all the context you need to optimize your product, providing you with a solid understanding of what else you need to improve.

Hotjar team


After the sunset: 5 Google Optimize alternatives and what to do next

Google Optimize has long been the go-to user testing tool for many businesses. It conveniently integrates with the entire Google suite and a host of other invaluable platforms (like Hotjar 👋). Plus, the price is right—it’s free.

But now the search is on for Google Optimize alternatives: in September 2023, the tech giant is officially pulling the plug on this industry-leading platform.

Ready or not, you’ll have to rethink your experimentation strategy and make time to weigh what you really want and need from a user testing tool.

Hotjar team


9 Slack integrations to boost team alignment (and increase customer delight)

In the age of remote work, team alignment is a lofty goal. You find yourself bouncing between channels and tools—from inboxes to project management platforms, to Slack.

And you hope that nothing important, like customer insights or product issues, gets lost in the shuffle.

But how do you cut down on all of this context-switching and eliminate software silos, to make more time for the people who really matter—your customers?

Hotjar team


Shopify vs Squarespace: an in-depth comparison for 2023

If you’re just starting out on your ecommerce journey, you’ll have one critical question: which platform is the perfect fit for your business?

With so many options, from full-scale ecommerce solutions to website builders, it’s not easy knowing which one will set your online business up for success.

Hotjar team


8 Google Analytics integrations to get more web and product insights in 2023

As a business or website owner, you're probably familiar with the frustration of not fully understanding the 'why' behind user actions. Traditional Google Analytics (GA) metrics like page views, clicks, and bounce rates can only tell you so much.

So how can you dig deeper to gain a more comprehensive understanding of user behavior—and identify optimization opportunities? This is where GA integrations come in.

Hotjar team


Abandonment issues: why shopping carts get left behind (and what to do about it)

From hidden shipping costs to an overly complicated checkout process, there are many reasons online shoppers ditch their carts without completing a purchase.

While abandoned shopping carts are common for many ecommerce brands, they don't have to be. By understanding why people abandon their carts, you can address these common cart abandonment reasons in advance, enabling you to optimize your ecommerce site, win happy customers, and make more sales.

Hotjar team


Shopify vs BigCommerce: which ecommerce platform is right for you?

Choosing which ecommerce platform to launch your store on is no small decision. You’re picking the policies that’ll govern your business for its whole life, and a set of technical capabilities that’ll make or break the customer experience. 

With more than 2 million daily users, Shopify is the Titan of ecommerce platforms. BigCommerce, with around 1 million users overall, is hot on its heels. Weighing up the merits of Shopify vs Bigcommerce is no mean feat, not least since they’re both great platforms that host thousands of successful ecommerce businesses.

Hotjar team


Shopify vs WooCommerce: a deep-dive guide to help you choose the right fit in 2023

As an ecommerce business owner (or a soon-to-be one), you have a long list of decisions to make.

Choosing a platform to host your store is a big one. Got Shopify and WooCommerce among your options and want a thorough comparison of the two? You’re in the right place.

Hotjar team


5 free survey templates to understand why customers leave

Even thriving businesses see some customers unsubscribe, bounce, or abandon their carts every day. Thankfully, there’s a simple way to understand why a customer left your incredible offer on the table: ask them. 

Surveys are an easy way to have these valuable conversations at scale—and with a template, you can set them up on your website or digital product in a matter of minutes. Because using survey templates to reduce churn and keep customers around for longer is a time-tested way to increase your profits.

Hotjar team

Solving common problems

8 tactics to uncover issues and prioritize fixes with Hotjar today

If you look at the bigger picture, every gesture extending empathy to your users counts for something. Your users' experiences and feelings are the actionable insights you need to build a business they'll love. Empathy also enables you to understand your customers on a deeper level, uncover issues that block them, and use your findings to prove your product or service’s value in their lives.

Hotjar team


How to use a cart abandonment survey to bolster ecommerce conversions

It's no secret that bad or broken user experience (UX) drives up cart abandonment and, consequently, revenue loss. But cart abandonment reasons differ from brand to brand, site to site, and user to user.

Hear it straight from your customers when you create relevant surveys with the Hotjar Surveys tool. By including the voice of the customer (VoC) in your analysis, you’ll unlock insights that help fine-tune your UX and, ultimately, improve conversions and sales.

Hotjar team


6 advanced conversion techniques to grow your business fast

It’s the modern online business owner’s dream: scores of qualified leads landing on your website and clicking the ‘Buy Now’ button. 

But it’s seldom that easy. Site visitors can get distracted by a phone call, frustrated by a pop-up, or confused by copy—and bolt before they ever hit that call-to-action (CTA) button.

Today, marketers and business owners need conversion techniques in their back pockets to engage users and eliminate the friction that causes customer churn.

Hotjar team


8 simple steps to take your brick-and-mortar store online

Online shopping is the future—and the future is definitely here. 

If you’re a brick-and-mortar retailer, it’s increasingly difficult to remain relevant without an online store. Customers expect the convenience and variety of online shopping, and meeting your customer’s expectations is essential to remain in business.

Hotjar team


23 cart abandonment stats you need to know to improve sales in 2023

Are you investing significant effort and budget into your SEO, ads, and overall marketing but seeing no increase in sales? If users fill their carts on your site only to abandon them, much of that investment goes to waste.

But you already know this—that’s why you’re looking for cart abandonment statistics: to benchmark your online store against and determine what you really need to change in your ecommerce buying experience.

Hotjar team


5 ways to recession-proof your business in 2023

It’s hard to avoid all the water cooler talk about a looming recession. 

If you spend any time on social media—today’s virtual water cooler—a quick scroll through your feed will have you anxiously gripping your computer mouse and googling ways to recession-proof your business.

Hotjar team

Hotjar Engage launch gif used for the blog post

Hotjar product updates

User interviews come to Hotjar

We’ve acquired PingPong—a user testing and interviews platform—and we’re integrating it right into Hotjar.

Hotjar team

Mental health at work a practical guide for well-being

Remote teams

Mental health at work: a practical guide to well-being

We’ve opened up about workplace mental health. From psychological safety and burnout to mental rest days and perks aimed at your well-being. No new-age woo-woo here. Just practical tips and useful insights from our team that you and your team can try right away.

Hotjar team

Difficult conversations

Remote teams

6 tips to help with difficult conversations

Difficult conversations are, well, difficult. But with the right preparation and perspective, they can be a little bit easier. Here are some tips from Dr. Hayley Lewis.

Hotjar team

Why you need to host an anxiety party

Remote teams

Why you need to host an anxiety party—and how to throw one

Remote work doesn't have to be isolating. Learn how Laura Wong, a Growth Product Manager at Hotjar, has started using anxiety parties as a tool to increase team trust and collaboration.

Hotjar team

Feedback checklist

Remote teams

Make sure you tick these 11 boxes before giving feedback

Are you ready to give feedback? Before you do, check your mindset, motivations, and hidden biases that could derail your message.

Hotjar team

Private sector companies of all sizes have a crucial role to play in fighting climate change. Here are 10 ways companies can do more to fight climate change now.

Behind the scenes

10 ways companies can do more to fight climate change

Private sector companies of all sizes have a crucial role to play in fighting climate change. Here are 10 ways companies can do more to fight climate change now.

Hotjar team

Emotional intelligence is a skill. Several skills, actually. Learn the five components of EQ, and take note of your strengths, and what you may need to work on.

Behind the scenes

Emotional intelligence: your quick-reference pocket guide

Emotional intelligence is a skill. Several skills, actually. Learn the five components of EQ, and take note of your strengths, and what you may need to work on.

Hotjar team

Empathy is like any other skill that can be improved with practice. Here are seven ways to build empathy and improve your workplace communication.

Behind the scenes

7 ways to build your empathy muscle for better workplace communication

Empathy is like any other skill that can be improved with practice. Here are seven ways to build empathy and improve your workplace communication.

Hotjar team

What does it take to be a great product manager? You’ve got to speak the language, know the territory, and develop the skills.

PX insights

The essential product manager checklist: books, skills, and lingo you’ll need

What does it take to be a great product manager? You’ve got to speak the language, know the territory, and develop the skills. Do you check these boxes?

Hotjar team

While businesses have a larger role—and responsibility—in fighting climate change, the individual impact shouldn't be overlooked. Here are 10 steps to generate less waste.

Behind the scenes

Zero-waste culture: 10 ways to generate less waste in your personal life

While businesses have a larger role—and responsibility—in fighting climate change, the individual impact shouldn't be overlooked. After all, our personal choices do escalate to bigger results. What steps could you take now to generate less waste?

Hotjar team

Best product management books. Great product managers never stop learning. Here are 10 top books on every PMs reading list.

PX insights

Product managers keep talking about these 10 books

Best product management books. Great product managers never stop learning. Here are 10 top books on every PMs reading list. 

Hotjar team

Remote teams

6 misconceptions of remote work—and what really matters

People have different opinions about remote work. But what’s actually true, and what’s unjustified legend? Here’s the truth about common remote work myths.

Hotjar team

Remote teams

Slack hacks: 5 remote-work boundaries for a better work-life balance

If you want to get real work done—and have a personal life—you have to set boundaries to protect your time and attention. Here are five ways to do it. 

Hotjar team

We Pay for That, Too: Providing Perks People Actually Want

Behind the scenes

We pay for that, too: providing perks people actually want

We don’t confuse perks with gimmicks. We prioritize home-office space, human connection, mental health, and personal time and growth. And we’ve got the budgets to prove it.

Hotjar team

Behind the scenes

Defensiveness: one of the greatest inhibitors to true collaboration

Behavioral change specialist Kevin Groen shares actionable steps for dealing with defensiveness in the workplace (and in personal life).

Hotjar team

Learn the fundamental LGBTQIA+ flags and basic expressions concepts and flags to create more inclusive workplaces and societies.

Behind the scenes

Life in color: fun with flags and LGBTQIA+ basic expressions

It’s important for everyone in society to know about LGBTQIA+ flags and basic expressions.

Hotjar team

27 acronyms that all product managers should know

PX insights

27 acronyms that all product managers should know

Do you know the product manager (PM) lingo? Make sure you can talk the product manager talk with these PM acronyms.

Hotjar team

Learn about microaggressions and why we need to address them to create better workplaces.

Remote teams

Microaggressions in the workplace and how to be a better ally

What exactly are microaggressions? And why are they important to know about and address in the workplace?

Hotjar team

10 Questions to Ask in One-On-One Meetings that Show Empathetic Leadership

Remote teams

Doubting yourself? 10 common imposter feelings, and what to do next

We’ve scraped our own barrel of self-doubting inner-monologues, and it was painful. So we’ve added some tips to respond to the doubts. 

Hotjar team

 Building teams with divergent thought processes, thinking styles, and problem-solving approaches are also increasingly recognized as critical to success. This kind of variation is referred to as cognitive diversity. Here are 10 ways to help you rethink diversity at work.

Remote teams

Rethinking normal: how to embrace cognitive-neurodiversity at work

Building teams with divergent thought processes, thinking styles, and problem-solving approaches are also increasingly recognized as critical to success. This kind of variation is referred to as cognitive diversity. Here are 10 ways to help you rethink diversity at work.

Hotjar team

The ‘Why Gap’ how to see beyond your product analytics

Behind the scenes

The Why Gap: how to see beyond your product analytics

Between product activity and your proposed solution is a gap. Do you fill it with assumptions, opinions, and guesses? Here’s a better way to do it.

Hotjar team

Your problem-solution pocket guide for more productive remote meetings

Remote teams

Your problem-solution pocket guide for more productive remote meetings

Too many unproductive meetings? We’ve rounded up 8 common remote meeting pitfalls—along with 8 tips for designing meetings worth attending.

Hotjar team

The Better-Remote-Meetings Checklist

Remote teams

The better-remote-meetings checklist

Scheduling a meeting? Wait! Before you do, make sure it’s a meeting that people will be happy to attend. Here’s a better-meeting checklist to help.

Hotjar team

How to increase your emotional intelligence for better feedback

Behind the scenes

How to increase your emotional intelligence for better feedback

Learn more about why so many people fear giving and receiving feedback and how you can improve your own emotional intelligence for better workplace feedback.

Hotjar team

Series F blog header image

Behind the scenes

We just raised $600 million. Here’s what’s next.

We’re delighted to announce today that Contentsquare, Hotjar’s parent company, has raised $600 million in a Series F investment round.

Hotjar team

5 Ways Recruiters and Job Seekers Can Have a Better Hiring Experience

Behind the scenes

5 ways recruiters and job seekers can have a better hiring experience

We interviewed our People leaders, Sara Bent, Angela Buccitti, and Carol Veiga for a behind-the-scenes look at what makes our hiring experience unique for both recruiters and candidates.

Hotjar team

How to break into product design

PX insights

How to break into product design

Hotjar's Saskia Everard shares her insights.

Hotjar team

Practical mindfulness in the workplace

Remote teams

How to incorporate more mindfulness into your workday, from meetings to coffee breaks

Can mindfulness really help reduce stress and improve attention? Yes. And it's easier than you think to get started with some simple practices at work. Here's how.

Hotjar team

Pride Panel 2022

Behind the scenes

Pride Panel 2022: how far we still have to go

Hotjar’s 2022 Pride Panel highlighted the immense diversity within the LGBTQIA+ community, shining a spotlight on asexuality and personal stories from around the globe.

Hotjar team

The importance of downtime for deep work and better work-life balance

Remote teams

Productivity hack: the importance of downtime for deep work and better work-life balance

Feel like you never have time to get it all done? Maybe you need to take a break. Here’s how to unlock deep work time by prioritizing deep downtime.

Hotjar team

How to take a mental health day

Remote teams

How to take a mental health day—tips from our team

When was the last time you took a mental health day? If your answer is never, find out why you should. And if you’re not sure how, or when, to take a day for yourself, we’ve got that covered, too.

Hotjar team

Behind the scenes

The fall before the catch: this is where you nurture psychological safety

Do you feel safe speaking up in front of your team? You don’t build trust through team-building exercises and stated values. Here are 11 ways to build trust in teams. 

Hotjar team

Behind the scenes

Forget perfection: how to unmask your inner imposter

Ever felt like you weren’t good enough, like you were an imposter in your own job? Us, too. So let’s talk about it—along with ways to overcome those fraudulent feelings.

Hotjar team

Hotjar vs

Hotjar vs Clarity: which one should you choose?

Deciding between tools is never easy. There are endless features to compare, heaps of reviews to read through, and countless differences to consider. 

But don’t sweat. We’ve taken the time to detail the core differences between our products—so you don’t have to.

Hotjar team

How values guide everything we do at Hotjar

Behind the scenes

How values guide everything we do at Hotjar (yes, really)

What’s your first thought when you hear 'company values'?

Many of us are immediately skeptical. For the cynics, values = platitudes, corporate lip service, and that meaningless sign you point new joiners to, never to think about again.

Hotjar team

Remote teams

10 tips to drive product teams in 2022

The new year is well underway. And by this time, many people’s New Year’s resolutions are well out of mind. 

But we don’t want that to happen to you. So we put together a list of 10 New Year’s resolutions web-olutions to help you stay tuned into the goals you’ve set for yourself, and the goals you may have forgotten to put on your list. 

Prioritizing product roadmaps, building trust with your team, and overcoming the biggest and baddest product obstacles. This, plus plenty more. 

So grab your notebook and let’s make sure this year counts.

Hotjar team

Remote teams

Inside Hotjar's sales team: an interview with Kristina Maleeva

Why do you work where you do? What made you want to work there? And now that you’re there, why do you decide to stay?

We sat down with Kristina Maleeva, our Sales team Lead for the Americas, to find out why Hotjar is where she calls home. We learned a lot about what makes Hotjar’s Sales culture unique, some company perks that you don’t hear every day, and an approach to remote work that actually works.

Hotjar team

Remote teams

How empathy and experimentation drive Hotjar's product team rituals

How much time do you spend a week in recurring meetings? How many of those are actually useful to you? If you’re like most product teams, I’m sure you’ve got your remote rituals pretty much nailed by now. Right? Sure.

At Hotjar, we’ve been doing this fully remote work thing since 2014. Yes, way before the pandemic hit. And to be honest, we still haven’t nailed it. But we have learned some things along the way that have helped.

Hotjar team

UX design and analysis

How to use product feedback to solve business-critical issues

Product feedback is one of a product management team’s most effective tools, but only when that feedback comes with the proper context.

Hotjar team

User research

How tracking user behavior on your website can improve customer experience

Imagine you’re running a brick-and-mortar store. From your perch at the counter, you can see and fix any issues the customers have as they move around the shop: if they have trouble navigating the aisles, you can make adjustments and help out; when they come up to the counter, you can strike up a conversation and learn who they are and what they’re looking for.

Hotjar team

Behind the scenes

Hotjar vs Google Analytics

Hotjar vs Google Analytics: it’s not an either/or (and why you should use both).

Hotjar team

Behind the scenes

Hotjar vs Mouseflow: which one is right for you?

Hotjar and Mouseflow are best-in-class digital experience insights platforms, each providing users with a wealth of behavior analytics tools. Both platforms have similar functionality, but some crucial differences will affect which is right for you.

Hotjar team

Person guiding another person while holding hands

PX insights

Your introduction to Hotjar: what it is, what it can do for you, why you should use it, and how it works

You already know it: what’s best for your users is best for your business.

But do you have the information and insights you need to build and create sites and products that your users will love?

You may have important numbers like churn rate, page traffic, and drop-off rate from a product or web analytics tool. But do you know why your users are behaving a certain way? Where specifically in your product they're having issues that cause them to churn? Why they aren't converting?

Hotjar team

Team seated around a table, discussing matters


Behind the scenes

75+ examples of company values and how to create your own in 2024

When Hotjar was founded in 2014, our co-founders intuitively embraced values like agility, lean operations, and ownership. As Hotjar grew, however, we realized that shaping these priorities into a transparent set of core values was key to aligning business objectives with the real-world challenges we faced.

Well-crafted values foster team unity, shape your customer’s brand perception, and steer decision-making. But how do you translate your company’s vision into a handful of values that are authentic and practical?

Hotjar team

User research

Survey questions 101: over 70 survey question examples + types of surveys and FAQs

How well do you understand your prospects and customers? Do you know who they are, what keeps them awake at night, and what brought them to your business in search of a solution?

Hotjar team

Hotjar vs

Hotjar vs. Crazy Egg: which one is right for you?

Behavior analytics suites like Hotjar and Crazy Egg help you fill in the gaps left by other tools like Google Analytics, reducing guesswork when you optimize your website and product experience.

But which platform’s tools are easier to set up? And which will give you a complete understanding of your users, so you can quickly make the changes they need and ease their journey to conversion?

Hotjar team

Behavior analytics

20 popular Google Analytics alternatives to grow your website

Whether you’re still mourning the end of Universal Analytics, don’t love the GA4 experience, or need a more privacy-friendly tool, the good news is there are plenty of free and affordable Google Analytics (GA) alternatives to replace and complement its functionality.

Hotjar team


9 proven strategies to increase website conversions

Here’s the thing: converting more website visitors isn’t about trying out dozens of random tactics or industry best practices. Those might give you a temporary boost, but they won’t create lasting results.

That’s because the only way to improve website conversions in the long run is by understanding what your visitors need and how your website fits into that.

Hotjar team

User research

How product teams can conduct online surveys to get actionable insights

Developing a product without user feedback is like having a relationship without conversation. (Not great.)

And while there are plenty of ways to learn about your users—like watching session recordings, A/B testing, and even scouring forums where they spend their time—online surveys are one of the best ways to get direct user feedback.

Hotjar team

Behavior analytics

How to set up a free Google Analytics heat map

If you’ve come here to learn more about Google Analytics heat maps, we have good and bad news for you.

The bad news 😥: Google deprecated its free heatmap add-on in 2017. Recent reviews confirm it no longer works and is not compatible with GA4. 

The good news 🤗: there's another way for you to generate a free heatmap by combining Google Analytics data with Hotjar—and we guarantee this one will work.

Hotjar team

Survey Templates

#Use Hotjar's CSAT Survey to evaluate satisfaction levels at key moments in your user's journey.

Customer satisfaction & NPS®

Customer satisfaction (CSAT) survey

Determine short-term satisfaction levels at key moments in the customer journey

Hotjar team

#Use Hotjar CSAT Survey templates to create and distribute your survey
Source: Hotjar

Product research

Website usability survey

Measure the usability and ease of use of your website

Hotjar team

Market research

Post-purchase survey

Find out how satisfied your customers are after purchasing on your website

Hotjar team

Product feedback

Product discovery survey

Dig deep into how customers use your product and find innovative ways to improve it

Hotjar team

Market research

The Hotjar Question Bank (+70 examples)

Learn more about your prospects and customers with over 70 different questions

Hotjar team

Product research

Screener survey

Capture the people in your target audience and filter out users who don't fit your criteria

Hotjar team

Market research

Van Westendorp price sensitivity survey

Find the sweet spot price for your product or service—not too high, not too low

Hotjar team

Market research

27 popular customer feedback questions

Get closer to your customers and their needs with 27 feedback questions

Hotjar team

Churn & abandonment

B2B usability survey

Measure the usability and ease of use of your B2B product (UMUX Lite)

Hotjar team

Customer satisfaction & NPS®

Time to resolution survey

Find out customers' perception of a resolved issue from the first contact with support

Hotjar team

Product feedback

10 website survey questions

Spot issues, find opportunities, and prioritize your work by asking these 10 questions

Hotjar team

Market research

Demographics survey

Truly understand your target audience with these demographics questions

Hotjar team

Churn & abandonment

Customer retention survey

Increase customer retention by learning what makes them leave in the first place

Hotjar team

Customer satisfaction & NPS®

Customer effort score survey

Learn how to collect, analyze, and measure your Customer Effort Score (CES)

Hotjar team

Product research

User persona survey

Find out the main needs and reasons why people use your product/service

Hotjar team

Customer satisfaction & NPS®

Employee feedback survey

Improve your workplace by gathering actionable employee feedback at scale

Hotjar team

Product feedback

Product feedback survey

Get actionable feedback on your product so you know what to work on

Hotjar team

Content testing

Content feedback survey

Does your messaging resonate? Find ways to improve your content with this survey

Hotjar team

Product feedback

Beta feedback survey

Gather feedback before you launch your product with this survey for beta users

Hotjar team

Churn & abandonment

B2B churn survey

Find out why users are abandoning your product and start reducing your churn rate.

Hotjar team

Traffic attribution

Traffic attribution survey

Learn where your audience first heard about your brand

Hotjar team

#Hotjar's product-market fit Survey gives you crucial insights into product usage and adoption.

Source: Hotjar

Market research

Product market fit survey

Find out how far your product satisfies the market's demand

Hotjar team

Market research

Pricing plans feedback survey

Forget the guesswork and gather real buyers’ thoughts on your pricing plans

Hotjar team


Market research

Market research survey

Building a brand new product? Learn more about your target users

Hotjar team

#Nobody likes to lose a customer, but you can still gain valuable insights from them to keep the rest happier

Churn & abandonment

Exit-intent survey

Capture feedback before visitors leave your site and reduce your bounce rate

Hotjar team

#Use Hotjar NPS Surveys to get more elaboration on your NPS score
Source: Hotjar


Customer satisfaction & NPS®

Net Promoter Score® (NPS®) survey

Measure long-term loyalty and happiness the tried-and-tested way

Hotjar team

Product Forge

Workflow tips

5 strategies to avoid design by committee

Getting feedback from multiple sources is incredibly useful for informing product decisions. But there’s a fine line between successfully balancing feedback and falling prey to design by committee. 

Hotjar team

Continuous discovery

Content design: why it matters (and why it's not just UX writing)

Having a groovy website, app, or product is great—but does it fulfill your users’ needs? 

Content is anywhere and everywhere in a user interface. However, the quality of your content—and how you present it to your audience—can make or break your product design.

Hotjar team

Continuous discovery

19 product monitoring metrics every PM should track

Building a product that people love starts with identifying a real human need. But once your solution is up and running, how do you make sure it continues to provide long-term customer and business value?

Monitoring product metrics—like monthly active users and product adoption rate—ensures that the product you think your customers want is actually something they can’t live without.

Hotjar team

Hotjar Product Managers handpicked those 10 product podcasts. Keep your product team at the top of its game with fresh insights and inspiration!

Team growth

10 inspiring product podcasts to listen to right now

Product podcasts offer fresh ideas, insights, and inspiration to keep product teams competitive.

Hotjar team

Continuous discovery

12 best product monitoring tools for cross-functional product teams

To continuously improve your product and deliver an excellent user experience, you need reliable data about your product's performance and your customers' interactions with it. 

Product monitoring tools give you insights to uncover the strengths and weaknesses of your product, and help prioritize initiatives for further optimization efforts.

Hotjar team

A Day in the Life of a Product Manager—What Does a PM do?

Product team culture

A day in the life of a product manager—what does a PM do?

What exactly does a product manager (PM) do in a day or a week? Are most days the same? This blog post will walk you through what a product manager gets up to in a day. 

Hotjar team

Product manager career path

Team growth

A guide to the product management career path

Curious about the product management career trajectory? Learn how to break into and climb the ladder on the product management career path.

Hotjar team

Why every product team should have a product marketer

Team growth

Why every product team structure should include a product marketer

Is there a product marketer on your product team? If not, learn why including one in your product team structure is vital to product success.

Hotjar team

12 website conversions blog header

Workflow tips

12 types of website conversions and how to calculate them

Everyone wants ‘conversions.’ But what exactly is a website conversion? And how do you get more of them? Here are some goal-oriented examples.

Hotjar team

How to Elevate Your Content Reporting Using Qualitative Insights

Continuous discovery

Is your content reporting missing this vital element? (and how to fix it)

Relying solely on quantitative analytic tools can lead to content reporting gaps. Here’s how to gain insight into how your marketing lands with your audience.

Hotjar team

How to Create a Continuous Feedback Loop for Better Products and Happy Customers

Customer delight

How to create a continuous feedback loop for better products (and happy customers)

Is it possible to capture continuous customer feedback remotely? We say yes. Learn how we use continuous feedback loops to build better products customers love.

Hotjar team

 CTA Best Practices

Workflow tips

8 CTA best practices to increase conversions (+ checklist and power words)

Struggling to increase website conversions? Learn how to increase clicks using CTA best practices and our downloadable checklist w/ power words that convert.

Hotjar team

Product Manager Time Management: Streamline Your Workflow

Workflow tips

How product teams can instantly streamline their workflow with Hotjar’s integrations

As a product manager or member of a product team, you’re responsible for making data-driven decisions that shape the future of your product. But with insights coming from dozens of sources, how do you find the time to sift through them? And how do you home in on the most important data to ensure you don’t miss anything crucial?

Hotjar team

Continuous delivery and how to balance it with continuous discovery

Continuous discovery

How to balance continuous delivery with continuous discovery

Continuous delivery and discovery help product teams learn more effectively and provide value to customers. 

But some teams have been hesitant to adopt these techniques because they aren’t sure how to properly balance delivery and discovery.

Let’s take a look at continuous delivery and continuous discovery: where they came from, how they’re different, and how an effective product team can strike the right balance to deliver customers the right product, in the right way, at the right time.

Hotjar team

Building a product culture to facilitate getting shit done

Product team culture

How to empower your product team to get shit done

The average product team spends a huge amount of time juggling loads of different tasks, pressures, and demands. 

On an average day, urgent user requests and stakeholder asks pour in, meetings line up, the product backlog expands, and product team members find their best-laid plans changed or delayed.

Sound familiar? 

These pressures are intrinsic to product work, but if you let them grow, they’ll destroy your focus, strategy, and delivery. 

Luckily, they can be managed.

Hotjar team

Product conflict resolution tips to create team synergy

Product team culture

4 product conflict resolution tips to create team synergy

Great product teams bring together a variety of backgrounds, points of view, skills, and personalities, which is essential to building a successful team—but it can also lead to tension and conflict. 

However, with the right mindset and a thoughtful approach, conflict can inspire meaningful solutions that ultimately benefit your team’s ability to build and deliver brilliant products.

In this article, we explore why conflict happens and how you can use it to demonstrate key values and behaviors within your product team.

Hotjar team


Workflow tips

Data democratization and self-serve analytics: tips for product teams

Traditionally, access to data has been restricted to a few analysts in each organization who know how to interpret the data, translate it, and use it to help the company reach its business goals. The restriction was born out of security, necessity, and the lack of shared knowledge. 

But today’s world is increasingly data-driven and reserving this information for only a select few in your business is no longer an option.

Hotjar team

types of product testing and what product testing means to product teams

Continuous discovery

Different types of product testing and why they matter for product teams

Successfully launching a product requires a lot of testing—then more testing, and then testing again. 

Often, product testing is seen as a separate activity to product development. But when testing isn’t integrated into the product development process, product teams can miss the insights they need to ensure their products work smoothly and solve user problems.

Hotjar team

Product team culture

How to overcome common obstacles for effective product change management

Product change management is key in responding to dynamic market pressures and delivering solutions that meet evolving user needs—and product managers are familiar with the blockers that often arise in product or organizational change processes, from user confusion and employee resistance to breakdowns in cross-functional communication. 

Product change management is a challenge, but it’s also an opportunity—and one worth taking.

Hotjar team

Workflow tips

The art of product storytelling: how product teams can balance evidence with empathy

Product narratives should be grounded on clear, quantifiable data points; product teams have to use powerful statistics like revenue, active users, and retention rate as evidence to get buy-in for their vision. 

But data alone won’t create the emotional connection you need to captivate your users and convince your stakeholders.

Hotjar team

Workflow tips

12 product management challenges: the toughest parts of the job (and how to tackle them!)

Product managers are not the type to shy away from a challenge. Most product managers thrive with a fast-paced, varied product workflow. They live for the satisfaction of guiding a team through research, development, and execution to maximize customer delight.

But the varied, agile workflow that makes product management exciting is also what makes it uniquely challenging.

Article - 24 min read

Hotjar team

Workflow tips

Product backlog management tips that drive results, not chaos

In product management, backlog optimization is a key part of delivering high-quality products to users. Keeping your team’s backlog well-prioritized drives clear focus, streamlines workflow, and helps you deliver impactful products that delight customers.

Article - 11 min read

Hotjar team

Workflow tips

How to prioritize initiatives with cost of delay analysis

You know when you go to a buffet, and you want some of everything, but you can only carry as many plates as you have hands?

It’s not all that different from being a product manager sometimes.

Article - 13 min read

Hotjar team

Customer delight

User research techniques for product managers: what should I be looking for?

User research is the driving force behind product experience insights and UX improvements. But where do you start?

Article - 13 min read

Hotjar team


Workflow tips

How to implement scrappy product management in your team

Like most things, scrappy product management strategies have their pros and cons. Some product teams embrace them with open arms, while others shoo them out the door faster than you can say “release notes.”

Article - 19 min read

Hotjar team


Organizational awareness

Organizational awareness: 9 tips for product teams

In the second quarter of 2021, we surveyed our customers to get insights into their day-to-day experience working on a product team. We learned that organizational awareness is one of the most challenging aspects of being a product team member.

Article - 16 min read

Hotjar team


Continuous discovery

How to overcome expectations and manage continuous discovery

Continuous discovery—that is, continually gathering information on user needs to refine your product ideas—can result in happier customers, sharper priority lists, and a better product-market fit.

Article - 15 min read

Hotjar team

Organizational awareness

How to build a cross-functional collaboration culture for product teams

Collaboration and communication can lead to massive business success. Productivity increases when teams and individual contributors are connected, and businesses with effective communication strategies have the potential to outperform their competition.

Hotjar team

Lady smiling

Customer delight

How product teams can create customer delight (and why it matters)

Many product teams have a problem solution mindset, building features and experiences designed to solve a specific problem for a specific user.

That’s important, of course—but sustainable, lasting business growth means more than satisfying customers and meeting their expectations. Building customer delight into your product is what drives product-led growth.

Hotjar team

Workflow tips

A/B testing in product management: the best A/B testing tools to build better products

As a product manager (PM), your job is to deliver a product users will love. But like most things in life, that's easier said than done.

Best practices and the latest design trends aren’t always going to work for your users. If your goals are to improve retention, provide a better user experience, and increase revenue, you need to A/B test your way to success.

Hotjar team

Team growth

Growing a product management team successfully: expert tips (and pitfalls to avoid)

Successful product management is more than just building a product: you’re also building a team.

The mix of multiple departments, new heads, skills, and goals can seem chaotic, but it doesn't have to be. With some foresight and preparation, you can grow a successful product management team—one that works together to build a product that truly delights your customers.

Hotjar team

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