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Hotjar with ClickFunnels

You can use Hotjar's ClickFunnels integration to create effective sales funnels that help you sell your products, gather sales leads, and more. Learn how!

Use Hotjar’s ClickFunnels integration to build sales funnels your users love

A sales funnel—also known as a marketing funnel, pipeline, or sales process—has many moving parts: sales pages to sell your products, opt-in forms to collect leads, and pages to educate your users, just to name a few.

With so much complexity, you need an easy way to collect user data so you know what’s driving users to convert—and what barriers prevent them from converting. Otherwise, you’ll waste time and money guessing how to improve your funnels.

If you’ve built your sales funnels using ClickFunnels, you know just how easy it is to make attractive sales funnels in a snap. Luckily, collecting valuable user data is just as simple and requires no coding knowledge when using Hotjar.

Benefits of using Hotjar’s ClickFunnels integration

Develop and run experiments on your own terms

Find out what drives conversions and delights your users by running experiments. No need to get other teams or developers involved to set up A/B tests on your ClickFunnels pages. Collect valuable data from Hotjar during your experiments to paint a complete picture.

Make beneficial changes to landing pages

With Hotjar’s tools, collect data to guide changes on your ClickFunnels page. No more guessing what your users want and need.

Quickly build funnels as simple or complex as you’d like

Build funnels with multiple pages for simple or complex offerings. Use Hotjar to test every step in your funnel to understand where users get stuck and what moves them forward.

Create Heatmaps for your funnel pages

Integrating Hotjar and ClickFunnels lets you easily develop Heatmaps for the pages in your sales funnels so you know know where users are scrolling, tapping, and clicking.

Bring Voice of Customer (VoC) feedback into your funnel-building process

Better understand your users by integrating Surveys and Incoming Feedback to your funnel pages. Gather VoC data to help you create an even better user experience.

Watch how users interact with your funnel pages with Session Recordings

See where users get stuck and what prevents them from moving down your funnel by watching Session Recordings. Spot areas of frustration, build empathy with your users, and make beneficial changes to your funnel.

Gather customer validation on new product features

Get customer validation by A/B testing new product features and get your products to market faster.

Gather more leads

Use tools like Heatmaps and Session Recordings to understand why users aren’t inputting their email address to your lead collection forms.

ClickFunnels 🤝 Hotjar

Build frictionless sales funnels that convert. Install Hotjar on your ClickFunnels pages today!

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