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Hotjar with Omniconvert

Connect your Omniconvert experiments with your Hotjar account. Filter Recordings and Heatmaps based on your experiments.

Get deeper insights from your A/B testing to create better, more user-centric experiences

A/B tests reveal which designs increase engagement and conversions—but they don’t teach you why your users love them. Hotjar Heatmaps and Recordings add a qualitative dimension to your Omniconvert data, taking you deeper into the user journey.

Watch how users interact with control and variation designs

Session recordings let you watch how users interact with your website in real time, like how they scroll, where they look, and what they click, while heatmaps give you an aggregate view of user behavior at scale. 

The Hotjar and Omniconvert integration lets you view user behavior via Hotjar Recordings and Heatmaps on your control and variation designs to understand why your A/B test results look the way they do.

Use insights from Hotjar to develop further hypotheses on user experience, and design new A/B tests to check them. 

Benefits of integrating Hotjar with Omniconvert

Understand user behavior

Combine user experience insights and A/B test analytics to learn user preferences and build better websites and products.

Eliminate guesswork

Test your hypotheses about design aspects—like navigation menus, search bars, or color schemes—to give users the best experience.

Make faster decisions

Access all your user data in one place to speed up your decision-making process.

Quickly and securely review customer data

View user sessions for A/B test projects without clicking between apps or compromising user data.

Omniconvert 🤝 Hotjar

Understand the user behavior behind your A/B test results.

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