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🔥 Read it while it’s hot: October 2023 updates in the Hotjar world

It's October and we've got exciting updates to share, from what happened last month to what’s coming soon. New ways to surface insights, improved collaboration, and an event not to be missed. Take a look. 👇

Last updated

24 Nov 2023

Reading time

4 min


Here's what's new:

  • 🧘 Flexible Dashboard

  • 💓 Sentiment analysis

  • 🔌 New integrations

  • 🦸 Customer spotlight

  • 🧠 Keep learning

  • 🌶️ HOTSAUCE 

  • 🎗️ What you may have missed last month

🧘 A fully flexible Dashboard: keep on top of key metrics 

More than ever, Dashboard is bending to your needs:

  • Rename, copy, or delete widgets to view only what matters to you

  • Add more widgets from the template library to surface new insights

(💡Psst! There’s more coming to Dashboard—stay tuned!)

Customize your Dashboard

Make it your own and surface the insights that matter to you in seconds.

💓 Find out how users feel with sentiment analysis

You now have two ways to gauge how your users feel based on their survey responses:

  1. When you spot similar survey responses, create a tag for them—then use it as a filter to speed up your survey analysis

  2. Or let AI do the heavy lifting and categorize your open-ended responses for you

Learn how your users feel with AI

Discover whether the mood is 👍 or 👎

🔌 Integrations

New Hotjar + AB Tasty integration: launch more impactful campaigns

Our new Hotjar and AB Tasty integration lets you dig into the real user behavior behind the numbers to understand why one variation performs better—so you won’t just find a winner, you’ll also have insights you can apply to your next campaign.

  • Send AB Tasty experimentation and personalization campaigns to Hotjar to filter your Heatmaps, Recordings, Trends, and Dashboard data by campaign

  • Launch Surveys or Feedback widgets on campaign pages

Learning what works, what doesn't… and why

See how users engage with your test variations, get feedback on their experience, and know why a variant wins.

Turn insights into action in Asana or Trello

Improve collaboration by giving your team the context they need for their tasks. You can now create a Trello card or Asana task in a few clicks from

  • Recordings

  • Console errors

  • Feedback and survey responses

Hotjar now connects with your favorite PM tools

Transform 'aha' moments into ready-to-go tasks for your team.

🦸 Customer spotlight: LearnWorlds increased landing page CVR by 150%

Hotjar Heatmaps and Recordings became an integral part of the workflow at LearnWorlds. George Palaigeorgiou, co-founder and Chief Product Officer, integrated the Hotjar Observe tools into various stages of the user journey. 

Used strategically by marketers, product teams, and engineers, the tools unlocked results that would make any SaaS company jealous:

  • +150% increase in landing page conversion rates

  • +0.5% increase in free trial conversion rates

  • +400% increase in new feature adoption

Learn how they did it

🧠 Keep learning

Follow our course on “How are users feeling?”

In this 90-minute learning path, discover what users think and how they feel at all stages of their journey. 

  • Discover what user sentiment is and how to measure it

  • Dig deep into user frustration signals

  • Get started with Feedback and Surveys

  • Learn how to create an abandonment survey

  • And more!

Start the course

🌶️ Join us at HOTSAUCE in NYC this November

Product, marketing, and ecommerce teams—find talks on every stage of building better digital experiences. Join us in NYC for a packed agenda full of insights, interactions, and innovations.

Get a ticket

🎗️ What you may have missed last month

Report and resolve issues faster with Jira

Speed up bug reporting and give your devs more context for a fix by creating Jira issues directly from Hotjar with the new Jira integration.

Use the Hotjar and Jira integration to

  • Create a Jira issue from a recording in Hotjar: it’ll automatically include a link to your recording for quick access and quicker fixes

  • Create a Jira issue from a console error in a recording: as well as a link to the recording, it’ll also include information about the error so engineers know what’s happening under the hood

  • Create a Jira issue from a feedback or survey response: it'll automatically include the full response, the URL where they left the feedback, and a link to the corresponding recording if it’s available

Connect to Jira

Keep a close eye on how users experience your site with the Hotjar and Microsoft Teams integration

Now, as well as sending survey and feedback responses to Teams, get notified when new recordings are available for specific segments.

Use the Hotjar and Microsoft Teams integration to

  • Monitor and optimize your checkout flow: jump into recordings where users showed signs of frustration and left without making a purchase

  • Improve conversion of paid campaigns: see how visitors interact with your landing pages and learn where your leads drop off

  • Keep collaboration organized: when you see something in a recording you’d like to follow up on, @mention people directly in Teams where you can discuss it in context

Connect to Microsoft Teams

Debug issues faster with new filters

Get to the bottom of issues quicker. Filter by

  • Operating system version

  • Screen resolution

  • Browser version and language

Filter your recordings

Reduce friction in your forms with the ‘entered text’ filter

Spot conversion blockers by watching sessions of users who don't fill out your forms, checkout screens, search bar, and more—and find out why.

Learn how it works

👋 See you next month

And that’s a wrap for this month’s updates. 

Let us know your thoughts on this post! 👇