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A year in review: how Hotjar revolutionized its suite for users in 2023

Last updated

24 Nov 2023


Over the past year, Hotjar has evolved into a more intuitive, one-stop software solution that gives online businesses the best user and product insights. The result? A suite of unified tools and features that simplify your job, from connecting with users and making faster decisions to increasing conversions and boosting that bottom line.

If you’re looking for a quick overview of 2023’s highlights, this infographic has it all! 🍿 Skim through month-by-month product updates, spot what you might have missed, and set the stage for nailing your UX strategy in 2024. Dig in: a world of insights awaits.

Learn how Hotjar can simplify your job, from connecting with users and making faster decisions to increasing conversions and boosting your bottom line.