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6 real-life landing page optimization examples in action

High-converting landing pages don’t just decrease customer acquisition costs and ensure you’re driving the most value possible from your campaigns. They also help you create a better experience for the people who matter the most—your users.

But to create a high-converting page with an excellent user experience (UX), you need to look at successful landing page optimization (LPO) examples and learn how to implement their strategies.

Last updated

27 Apr 2023

Reading time

8 min


In this chapter of the LPO guide, we examine some of the most effective landing page optimization examples. With some help from Hotjar (hi there! 👋), each of these companies created pages that delight visitors with a user experience so great, they continue to come back for more

These real-world case studies help you understand exactly why you need to optimize your landing pages, which LPO techniques work best, and how they look in action, so you can set up your own pages for success.

Use Hotjar to supercharge your landing pages

Use Hotjar’s digital experience tools to understand why users behave the way they do—and find solutions that increase conversions. 

6 highly effective landing page optimization examples to learn from

Your landing page’s main objective is to deliver a laser-focused user experience that helps your visitors achieve their jobs to be done and helps you achieve your conversion goals. 

As you review these practical LPO examples—and see how companies used Hotjar’s tools to up their landing page game—take note of which strategies and tactics you can implement on your landing pages to replicate their results.

1. How ClickMechanic used heatmaps for cost-effective redesigns

When UK-based marketplace ClickMechanic decided to redesign their landing pages, Hotjar’s digital experience insights tools turned out to be exactly what they needed to keep the process cost-effective.

After receiving some enlightening feedback about their sign-up process using surveys, the team realized their landing pages could also use some optimizing, so they turned to heatmaps. 

Heatmap data showed that the vast majority of their landing page visitors never even scrolled beyond the hero (the main image on the homepage). As a result, the ClickMechanic team focused on redesigning the content above the fold, instead of giving the entire page a revamp. 

This approach helped the company save money on design and engineering and deliver a 15% increase in conversions.

Why this LPO strategy works

Visual user insights—like those that come from analyzing heatmaps or recordings—help you spot simple ways to improve your user’s experience and deliver small incremental changes that have a big impact.

Heatmaps visually represent where visitors click, move, and scroll, helping you understand how they really engage with your site, so you know which landing page elements to optimize to improve their experience.

💡 Pro tip: use concept testing alongside heatmaps to bring fast and effective user insights into your redesign process.

A landing page redesign takes a lot of time—it pays to ensure you get it right. Hotjar’s concept testing feature helps you test your new landing page design, lead generation form fields, calls to action (CTAs), landing page copy, testimonials, or other online marketing assets with users before you launch. 

This effectively diminishes risk, brings user insights into your design process, and even collects ideas to help refine your landing page optimizations. Plus, it’s way cheaper than running an entire A/B test

Use Hotjar to set up a concept testing survey and quickly find out which version of your design users like better

2. How CCV Shop used behavior analytics to identify issues

Landing pages are crucial to CCV Shop—they use them to generate leads for their online storefront business, which helps over 17,000 entrepreneurs run their ecommerce stores. 

When it comes to optimizing these landing pages, CCV Shop leverages Hotjar’s suite of behavior analytics tools to observe and analyze user actions, understand their prospective customers, and increase conversions. Here’s how:

The result? A 38% increase in their conversion rate, which got them really close to reaching their 2% conversion goal.

Why this LPO strategy works

With user behavior at the center of your landing page optimization strategy, your creations are guaranteed to resonate.

Platforms like Hotjar give you a front-row seat to how your audience interacts with your top-performing campaigns. They help inform your next optimizations with insight into users' habits, behaviors, frustrations, and needs, so you know exactly what to prioritize.

As you see the landing page experience through your users' eyes, you get an unbiased view of your work—what hits the mark and, more importantly, what doesn’t. This type of compelling data helps you validate your LPO strategy, make changes to streamline the user journey, and reduce guesswork in these important decisions.

💡 Pro tip: use Hotjar Funnels to make sense of drop-offs on your landing pages.

Drop-offs are the bane of every landing page’s existence. Traditional web page analytics, with its big-picture traffic data, will only get you so far. What you need is to understand why users are dropping off, so you can do something about it.

Hotjar Funnels helps you visualize your landing page conversion flows, and shows you the relevant recordings at each step, making it easier than ever to connect your numbers to real user behavior.

This full overview of your funnel lets you quickly spot where most users drop off of your landing page—and the real reason behind it, so you can identify issues and pain points that make people leave, and confidently optimize for impact.

Visualize your conversion flows—and the real user behavior behind it—at every step with Funnels

3. How Unbounce solved UI/UX issues to improve user sign-ups 

Unbounce’s experience with landing page optimization shows that sometimes, it takes a bird’s eye view to realize that the user’s experience doesn’t meet expectations.

The idea of improving UX on their landing page’s sign-up form seemed pretty straightforward at first: integrate with an auto-completion API to save time and simplify the whole process for the user and increase conversions. They even ran usability tests to ensure everyone loved and was on board with the new feature. 

But they were in for a surprise. Once the team actually rolled out the changes—and enabled Hotjar Recordings to monitor their performance—they realized that auto-complete was the number one spot people got stuck:

Watching real people fail to use our brand-new ‘improved’ UX was cringe-inducing and painful to see when all we wanted to do was help them. I can't think of any other tool that would give such valuable insights.

Brian Holt
UI Developer, Unbounce

Why this LPO strategy works

Implementing your assumptions without seeking the truth in your user’s experience is one of the challenges of designing seamless user interfaces (UIs).

In this landing page optimization case study, Unbounce used Hotjar to debunk assumptions in the design of their processes and interface:

Watching Hotjar Recordings was both a humbling and exciting experience because we knew exactly what we needed to change and identified some serious bugs which would have cost us a lot in losses of sign-ups.

By analyzing real visitor actions, the UI team was able to make informed decisions in rolling out fixes, which significantly improved their sign-up process and even prevented them from losing a customer who was signing up for an annual plan of $2,000+.

💡 Pro tip: supplement recordings data with insights from voice-of-the-customer (VOC) tools, like surveys, to determine what users expect from specific pages.

For example, asking questions with surveys and polls helps you dive deeper into user actions on your landing page. Recordings show you which landing page elements they use first and how they use them, and surveys help you understand why.

Some of the responses may validate work you’ve already done, while others may be surprising. Either way, with the context for these actions in hand, optimizing your landing page becomes an easier task.

Use surveys and polls to collect feedback from people who are visiting your landing pages

4. How Creatopy engaged in continuous discovery to improve conversions

Back when they were known as Bannersnack, online banner-maker and design tool Creatopy relied on web analytic tools to track and measure traffic on their landing pages. However, they were in the dark when it came to understanding what people were actually doing there, and why. 

To speed up their optimization work, the product, design, and marketing teams turned to Hotjar. 

In a cycle of continuous discovery, Creatopy used heatmaps on landing pages they needed to optimize, regularly gathering evidence of how people interacted with them, and then leveraged these insights to produce an alternative design and A/B test the old and new versions against one another.

By applying this LPO strategy, the team increased sign-ups by 25%.

Why this LPO strategy works

A structured and sustainable approach to continuous discovery helps you infuse your landing page optimization decisions with customer insights. Continuously gathering information on user needs helps you refine your ideas, which leads to happier customers, better prioritization, and improved targeting for your pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns. 

For example, consistently analyzing heatmaps of your landing pages gives you quick visual cues about their current results, performance, and scope for improvements—like areas of intensity that reflect where most customers hover their mouse, or cold spots that need a boost. 

You can integrate heatmaps into your business’s workflow and make them part of ongoing analytics, updating them on a regular basis to reflect your growth and efforts.

With the right mindset and tools, continuous discovery helps you deeply empathize with your visitors and feel confident your landing pages meet their evolving needs.

#Hotjar Heatmaps lets you see what elements users are drawn to, and the parts they completely miss
Hotjar Heatmaps lets you see what elements users are drawn to, and the parts they completely miss

💡 Pro tip: unlock the secrets to high-converting pages with Hotjar Trends.

As you optimize your landing pages for conversions, use Hotjar Trends to see if sign-ups increase over time, and then view the corresponding heatmaps and recordings to understand why. 

Traditional analytics only show you the numbers, but Trends lets you see the full picture by visualizing your metrics, so you can spot user behavior patterns and uncover the ‘why’ behind the data. 

This lets you connect the dots between user behavior and numbers in a single tool, by linking product metrics to qualitative user insights.

Hotjar Trends lets you create custom conversion metrics and KPIs, and visualize them as charts to spot trends over time

5. How TomTom leveraged user feedback to create copy that converts

The team behind independent navigation software TomTom doesn't have to wonder whether their website and landing page optimizations actually improve the user experience. Using Hotjar alongside other analytic tools, they get all the quantitative and qualitative data they need to make meaningful improvements to the customer journey.

For example, one of their favorite Hotjar tools is Surveys, which allows them to ask satisfied customers why they signed up or made a purchase—information they can then turn into compelling copy for landing pages and email campaigns. The results speak for themselves:

Using the information gathered from Surveys helped us make substantial changes that resulted in a +491% increase in email CTR and a +49% conversion rate increase for our landing pages.

Dave Powell
Ecommerce Conversion Manager, TomTom

Why this LPO strategy works

Improving the user experience means answering questions about why users behave the way they do. To leverage LPO and increase conversions, marketing and UX teams need to go beyond the raw numbers they get from traditional tools like Google Analytics to really understand user behavior.

Tools like surveys or feedback widgets bring VOC insights to your decision-making, allowing you to:

  • Prioritize what to optimize with real user feedback

  • Validate every idea with reliable user insights

💡 Pro tip: connect with customers 1:1 to gather even more valuable insights for your landing pages.

By enabling you to seamlessly conduct user interviews, Hotjar Engage brings you closer to your customers than ever before, so you can understand their needs better and create landing page experiences that truly help them achieve their goals

Focus on how customers talk about your brand while Engage seamlessly hosts, records, and transcribes your calls. You can even get your team involved, compare notes, and turn these insights into action.

Tap into Hotjar's pool of 175,000+ users to automate recruiting people for interviews

6. How re:member revived affiliate traffic 

When the digital marketing team at Scandinavian credit card company re:member noticed affiliate users—a significant traffic source—were bouncing from their landing page form more than usual, they knew traditional analytics wouldn’t be enough to tell why. 

Sure, the team could try to dissect these numbers in search of a motive, but they wanted to visually see what went wrong. To pinpoint the issue—and find a solution for it—they turned to Hotjar:

If a user decided to leave the website, with Hotjar, we’re able to see if maybe the location of important information was out of the screen using Heatmaps. With click maps, we can see if users click on objects that aren’t meant to be clicked. But most importantly, Recordings allow us to see specific users anonymously, what went wrong, and when they had a hiccup.

Steffen Quistgaard
Senior Marketing Specialist, Re:member

Pairing recordings with heatmaps, re:member noticed that these affiliate users were experiencing technical difficulties—like attempting to click on unclickable elements—and were also looking for more information that wasn’t available on the landing page—by searching for and analyzing benefits before making a decision.

Seeing the credit card application form experience through their users’ eyes helped re:member understand why their affiliate visitors were leaving, so they could build a solution that increased conversions by 43%.

#A Hotjar recording in the wild
A Hotjar recording in the wild

Why this LPO strategy works

Without Hotjar, the re:member team may have never discovered what caused affiliate traffic to leave. But because they used the right tools, they had no problem spotting the issue and crafting a simple solution to reduce their bounce rate. 

By studying users engaging with your page, you develop a deeper understanding of their needs with qualitative and quantitative dataless guesswork and more features guaranteed to help your visitors convert or complete a desired action. This helps you avoid costly mistakes and fix issues that can have a long-term impact on your bottom line. 

💡 Pro tip: use the Hotjar Dashboard to quickly find out why visitors don’t convert.

With all the user metrics that matter in one place, the Hotjar Dashboard brings together the insights you need to improve your users’ landing page experience.

This tool paints the big picture by showing you quantitative data about your landing page at a glance. As you identify trends on the Dashboard, you can zoom in on the qualitative insights—by viewing related heatmaps and recordings—to validate your assumptions.

With no extra time and external integrations needed, the Dashboard showcases high-level user behavior to help you spot problems before they have a negative impact on your audience—perfect for fast-paced teams who don’t have the time to sift through data.

Track your important metrics in one place with custom dashboards

Next steps to landing page optimization

Even with the best of intentions, a poorly optimized landing page leaves potential customers confused and hesitant, ultimately leading to a user experience that just doesn’t do it for them. 

These landing page examples show the impact that LPO has on a variety of different businesses, but they all revolve around one common principle: improving performance starts and ends with users.

Keep your landing pages user centric with actionable insights that uncover exactly why your visitors convert, and why not, to build exceptional digital experiences and confidently optimize your UX and revenue stream.

Use Hotjar to supercharge your landing pages

Use Hotjar’s digital experience tools to understand why users behave the way they do—and find solutions that increase conversions. 

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