New: flexible, templated dashboards for more control. Meet Dashboards


Understand what users really think about your site

See what visitors do on your site and gather feedback as they use it.


Understand what users really think about your site

See what visitors do on your site and gather feedback as they use it.

Over 402 million survey responses collected via Hotjar

See Surveys in action

Intuitive and simple Surveys, perfect for capturing all types of feedback. Don’t take our word for it, try it yourself.

"The main stakeholders in our business want to keep track of product performance. We use Hotjar Surveys to see how satisfied customer are with our products, and we report larger trends."
Rui Pereira
Head of Research and Usability, Ryanair
"Hotjar helped us understand so many different ways that people used the product. We also identified the points on the page where we could further optimize the design."
Saurabh Soni
Product Designer, Razorpay
"The changes suggested from the Hotjar Survey gave us enough confidence to begin designing the new page template."
Eric Peters
Senior Growth Marketer, Hubspot

Stop guessing what people want. Ask them.

No coding required. Pick a template or start from scratch.