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Sharon Biggar


Sharon Biggar

Sharon is the VP of Marketing at Hotjar,

Blog Articles

How Hotjar uses Hotjar 9 powerful use cases


How Hotjar uses Hotjar: 9 powerful use cases

Hotjar’s heatmaps and recordings provide context to real data. Here’s how the Hotjar team uses their tools to improve site performance and marketing efforts. 

Sharon Biggar

Sharon Biggar

How to Show Customers the Same Love They Show You


How to show customers the same love they show you

Brands worry about how to treat customers. The answer is to show them love by listening and creating flawless experiences that aren’t frustrating. Here’s how. 

Sharon Biggar

Sharon Biggar

Hotjar’s Guide to Product-Led Marketing in 4 Easy Steps


Hotjar’s guide to product-led marketing in 4 easy steps

The customer is at the center of all marketing activities in product-led marketing, ultimately driving their success. Here’s how we use product-led marketing at Hotjar. 

Sharon Biggar

Sharon Biggar

How marketing squads are making Hotjar more customer-centric


How marketing squads are making Hotjar more customer-centric

There’s no perfect organization structure, but implementing marketing squads at Hotjar has increased happiness and efficiency—here’s how we made it work.

Sharon Biggar

Sharon Biggar

10 Ways to Build a Productive and Happy Remote Team

Behind the scenes

10 ways to build a productive and happy remote team

“You’re on mute." Three familiar words that rang throughout households across the globe, starting in March 2020. Three words acting as a metaphor for all the small, yet meaningful ways we’d have to adapt as we scrambled to function in our new remote world. 

Sharon Biggar

Sharon Biggar

How data driven marketing leads to customer-centric experiences


How data-driven marketing leads to customer-centric experiences

It’s easy to guess what our customers want. But assuming we know them better than they know themselves can lead to failed campaigns, miscommunication, and churn. 

Sharon Biggar

Sharon Biggar

5 ways to build trust with your remote team

Behind the scenes

5 ways to build trust with your remote team

Do you or some of your team members turn their cameras off most of the time or stay quiet about new ideas? If your remote team has been struggling with collaboration, miscommunication, and decreased productivity, lack of trust could be a contributing factor.

Sharon Biggar

Sharon Biggar

How to master the 4 elements of employee retention

Behind the scenes

How to master the 4 elements of employee retention

What makes people invested in a company anymore?  Is it all about a higher salary? Remote work options?

Sharon Biggar

Sharon Biggar

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